I'm now in CA while the parents are traveling and the two grannies are baby sitting the two children, Lia (10) and Locke (8). School started today, the day after Labor Day. We've had a fun-filled several days prior to the start of school. Grandma Marie and I sat down with the children the first morning for a "board meeting," and the four of us planned fun activities and outings for the days prior to school beginning.
Marie did a paper craft with them, and I had them do some fabric painting with fabric markers on a tote bag and apron for their mother's birthday in October. Locke attended his last soccer day camp, led by a young soccer player just Lia's age! Lia had a friend over for a sleep-over the first night. We've gone to the library,the farmers' market, shopping for school clothes,to church, one movie, out to eat twice, and so we've filled up the days.
Locke at soccer camp with friends--the camp leader is the young man in the middle |
Here are a few highlight photos to show our doings:
Dad left Locke responsible for watering the pots front and back |
Lia modeling one new school outfit |
Locke paper crafting with Grandma Marie |
A closer look at the paper craft
Ready to go the the Farmers' market |
Choosing flowers at the market |
Having fun after church, jumping on the amphitheater seats |
painting with fabric markers |
Lia decorated an apron |
and Locke, a tote bag