Here it is just days before Thanksgiving, and you'd think it was spring! The weather is springlike--not unusual in Texas in the fall. But so many flowers are blooming! One of my quilting bee friends says that she thinks because of the severe drought and intense heat of the summer, many plants went dormant. With the return of cooler weather, a bit of rain, and regular watering, the blooming plants are out in all their glory.
Of course, in Texas we plant pansies in the fall anyway. They can survive temperatures below freezing, unless it gets terribly cold and stays cold for a protracted period of time. But for just brief cold spells, pansies thrive. Below are first the pansies I have recently planted, and then some photos of other plants that have surprised me by blooming still in November!
I've always loved the little "faces" of pansies! |
The only day lily with a bloom |
"knock out" roses--these don't make good cut flowers,
but they are wonderful in that they take so little care |
I can't recall what this perennial is. We had so many in our old yard!
There, it bloomed profusely all summer, then went
dormant but stayed green all winter long. This shrub can get quite large.
In our new house, this past summer, no flowers, but now they are finally
blooming. It could be that this
is one of the Mexican sages--so many varieties exist. |
Esperanzas--I accidentally purchased a late-blooming variety. Next year, I'll replace these
with one that blooms all summer. After the first hard freeze, they will die back, but if you
cut them back to the ground, they will return. I'll dig mine up, however, and replace them
with the ever-blooming type. This window is in my studio. |
The next-door neighbors knock roses look better than mine. I think she dead heads
hers, whereas I don't bother! |
More of what I think is Mexican sage. This is in the
front flower bed; the two windows here
are also in my studio. |
A friend came over for lunch yesterday. She asked me if I ever used these
Esperanzas as cut flowers. I said I never had but would for her! I love
the trumpet look of their blooms! I put them in a Spode Pink Tower pitcher,
my mother's "every day" china which one granddaughter inherited,
but my sisters and I each choose several pieces to keep for ourselves and for our daughters. |