I love redwork embroidery! One of my favorite quilts was a redwork quilt I called "Paddington, Pooh, and Friends." I made it for great-niece Lois, born in 2003. I traced coloring book images of generic bears, and some of Winnie the Pooh and Paddington. Then I embroidered them and set them into a background of twelve-patch blocks. This quilt hangs in Lois's bedroom, and every time I visit her and her family, I fall in love all over again with the quilt. Here it is with Lois and my grandsons Dawson and Malcolm. And then, some close-ups of the embroideries.

The only quilt kit I've ever bought was a redwork kit, designed by
Alex Anderson. The copyright date on the fabric is 2002, so I suppose I bought it in '02-'04. I have been working on the redwork flowers for this quilt ever since! I've taken it many times with me on various trips, working on it sporadically. Last week, feeling rather puny with a respiratory ailment, I pulled out the embroidery again and worked on it while listening to mindless TV shows. I'm excited that I am now on my last flower of 12! Once that one is finished, hopefully I'll get to work on the quilt. I love the fabrics which Alec chose for her quilt kit, and I will unashamedly use all the kit fabrics and her pattern. I love especially the nice scalloped edge on the outer border. Another quilt for which I will say: stay tuned!
That makes me want to run in and pick up a crochet needle and thread. Thanks for sharing!