Last year I put together the center portion of the photo above, the box with many small cubbies. I entered an enlarged photo in a calendar contest sponsored by one of my art quilting magazines. My entry wasn't one that was selected for the calendar, but of course I've kept the filled box (which once was a children's beading kit), knowing that someday I would put it into a shadow box frame and hang it in my craft room. So, just in time for Father's Day, here is the completed shadow box. The contest theme was "Life is a box of ____________" and my entry was titled "Life is a box of memories of Daddy." (Click on the photo to see it enlarged.)

I've taken some close-ups of sections of the shadow and inner box and will focus on each of these. This next photo didn't turn out as well as I would like. At the top left is one of my all-time favorite pictures of Daddy. Below it, a too-faded picture of little sister Martha; both of these glued to fish fabric, to symbolize his favorite leisure activity--fishing. In the top left of the inner box you can see a rising sun. This is symbolic of Daddy's always rising before dawn, making coffee and his own breakfast, before coming in to awaken each child and our mother. A shovel for the gardening he loved, a book because he was a voracious reader, more tools beside the book. The curled paper in the upper cubby beside the sun will need no explanation for my siblings: these came from the Big Black copy pencils Daddy brought home from the office, which all of us kids loved! The dog stands for the three dogs I recall our owning: Pluto, Chocko, and our beloved Inky, a dog I bought for a quarter downtown in Austin, a mongrel who lived the longest of all of our dogs!

Next a picture of Daddy and Joe digging, glued to newspaper fabric, symbolizing of course his career as a newspaperman--a career that began at age 14 and continued until his death. Below the picture of father and son is one of those Big Black copy pencils I mentioned. A typewriter charm is tied with a red bow. We siblings all can recall how fast Daddy typed with just two fingers! The pansy button symbolizes Daddy's love of flowers, as do the flower pots and more gardening tools. The baseball and bat and other sports balls fabric: Daddy loved all spectator sports. A favorite summer pasttime was his taking us children to see the Austin Senators play. The picture of Daddy with oldest sister Kathy is in front of our house in Austin at 2504 Spring Lane. This picture is glued to fabric of children fishing.

Finally, in the lower right of the shadow box, a picture of Mother Alice with newborn baby Alice. More gardening tools are glued to the sides of the inner box, and then a silver fishing pole and fish charm are in the bottom right cubby, and the fabric below the inner box is a gardening print.
This blog posting, then, is in honor of my beloved Father, David Anderson Cheavens, who died far too young in 1970, at age 63, when I was only 31 years old, 7 months before the birth of Susan, our third child, who never got to know her Granddaddy.
A happy Father's Day to all you fathers out there.
Good job, Alice, and so appropriate for the week. I love seeing this again. Your hard work really paid off, for the piece just gets better with time. I think he was a good father to many. Dave Cheavens, Bravo!
ReplyDeleteWonderful! Wonderful! I loved every bit of it. Every aspect is so lovable and fascinating. I'd like to make something like this. It would take a lot of rummaging. First, I'd need an interesting box.
ReplyDeleteYes, Nancy, I was fortunate to have the little empty box on hand already. But it took me awhile to search out the various fabrics, the doll house items, charms, buttons etc. that I planned to use inside the cubbies. Finding that Big Black pencil in a drawer at the old house was serendipitous! It's the only one that I have left, and they've quit manufacturing them, I learned. The pictures I had all together in one of my storage bins.
ReplyDeleteI remember your dad well, Alice. In my mind his broad smile was a signature look for him. I loved your "calendar" last year and think this year's fathers' day art and writing would make your dad VERY happy.